Install Android X86 on PC (Dual Booting with Ubuntu / Windows XP)

Firstly download Android X86 iso file from . U can find iso file that match with your computer. In this tutorial i am use this one because my old computer bla bla n bla 😀 .

News: the latest Android X86 is Android Android-x86 4.0-RC1 (Ics-x86).

Then to install from this iso file we need Unetbootin which can be downloaded from (u can choose Linux or windows version). After that, running Unetbootin from your computer and do like this picture :

– choose radio button Diskimage, then find your iso file, in type choose USB or CD then click OK, lets wait until finish but dont choose reboot your computer.

– OK the installer is prepared. So we need to give hard disk partition to install Android in harddisk. Lets use your gparted on your Ubuntu or on windows, u can use other software 🙂 . Android X86 can be installed on ext2, ext3, fat32 and ntfs partition format. So choose one and after finish reboot your computer.

– Ok lets booting from USB or CD which contain Android X86 installer. After that u can try Android X86 (HDPI and MDPI) or U can install it directly. Ok , lets install directly (choose “installation-install Android to hard disk”.

After that installation dialog will appear. Choose partition which U formated, then OK, U can choose format it again or not. Then wait until installation finish and reboot. Information of installation can found at .

– choose partition

– Do not format if it is formated

-lets install grub to try booting it

– OK. U can running your Android on X86 Computer but if u use Ubuntu , your Ubuntu will hidden, to fix it U just should install grub from Live CD Ubuntu.

  1. booting Live cd Ubuntu
  2. choose try Ubuntu without installing
  3. open terminal
  4. read this
  5. ok write
    $ sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/your_ubuntu_partition /dev/sda
  6. $ sudo reboot

– Ok after that your Ubuntu comeback, but how about Android?

Ok, Android will be hidden because it isnot read by Ubuntu’s grub. So to fix it,

  • firtsly open your ubuntu
  • mount Android partition, open /grub/menu.lst

u will see like this :

root (hd0,1)
title Android-x86 2.2 (HDPI) kernel /android-2.2/kernel quiet root=/dev/ram0 androidboot_hardware=generic_x86 acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode video=-16 DPI=240
SRC=/android-2.2 initrd /android-2.2/initrd.img

title Android-x86 2.2 (MDPI) kernel /android-2.2/kernel quiet root=/dev/ram0 androidboot_hardware=generic_x86 acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode video=-16 DPI=160
SRC=/android-2.2 initrd /android-2.2/initrd.img

title Android-x86 2.2 (Debug mode) kernel /android-2.2/kernel root=/dev/ram0 androidboot_hardware=generic_x86 acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode video=-16 DEBUG=1
SRC=/android-2.2 initrd /android-2.2/initrd.img

so add it to etc/grub.d/40_custom (write on terminal “sudo gedit etc/grub.d/40_custom”) on ubuntu like this :

exec tail -n +3 $0
# This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries. Simply type the
# menu entries you want to add after this comment. Be careful not to change
# the 'exec tail' line above.
menuentry 'Android-x86 2.2 (HDPI)' {
set root=(hd0,msdos2)
linux /android-2.2/kernel quiet root=/dev/ram0 androidboot_hardware=generic_x86 acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode video=-16 DPI=240 SRC=/android-2.2
initrd /android-2.2/initrd.img

menuentry 'Android-x86 2.2 (MDPI)' {
set root=(hd0,msdos2)
linux /android-2.2/kernel quiet root=/dev/ram0 androidboot_hardware=generic_x86 acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode video=-16 DPI=160 SRC=/android-2.2
initrd /android-2.2/initrd.img

menuentry 'Android-x86 2.2 (Debug mode)' {
set root=(hd0,msdos2)
linux /android-2.2/kernel root=/dev/ram0 androidboot_hardware=generic_x86 acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode video=-16 DEBUG=1 SRC=/android-2.2
initrd /android-2.2/initrd.img

Update: for Android X86 4.0 RC1 ICS:

menuentry “Android-x86-4.0-RC1 ICS” {
set root=’(hd0,msdos7)’
linux /android-4.0-RC1/kernel quiet root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=asus_laptop acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode video=-16 DPI=240 SRC=/android-4.0-RC1 SDCARD=/data/sdcard.img
initrd /android-4.0-RC1/initrd.img

-then on your terminal write

$ sudo update-grub

$ sudo reboot

– Ok you should see Android on Grub menu, choose that and enjoy your Android on X86 Computer 🙂


very very sory for my english….

33 thoughts on “Install Android X86 on PC (Dual Booting with Ubuntu / Windows XP)

  1. Hi there, I think this is the solution to my problem. Already installed Ubunto to my computer and tried this, but I have a problem. When trying to edit the 40_custom file I do not have enough permissions… How do I fix that?

      1. Eventually it worked. Zico, I did use the terminal. After typing the gedit command an editor opened and I did not know what to do with it. I tried to save it etc. (Fist time ubuntu user ;)). What I needed tot do was to save the file of actually replace the file in etc/grub.d/40_custom. After a couple of minor problems figuring out on which sda my android section was (msdos3) and changing some text like updating 2.2 to 2.2.2 and hardware eeepc, etc it worked!! So thanks and I recommend this trick!

        However now I have another problem to overcome. I cant save my homescreen icons. It saves my life background image but does not save my icons. I do not have a network here so I will try configuring accounts and downloading some apps later, but I have the feeling that it will nog “remember” my installed apps and account configurations, someone suggestions?

      2. youre welcome….

        as for my experiences, i have installed apps and after reboot there are apps which i install it manual, how about your’s Sir..?

  2. terimaksih ya mas…
    langsung di coba…
    mas kalo drivernya semua ke detec?
    kalo di sambungin ke proyektor… andro nya mau ga ya?
    saya pake asus eepc 120.. mesin amd 1.6
    trus kalo aplikasi2 .apk bisa di install ga.. (termasuk buatan sendiri)
    maaf banyak bertanya *newbie

    1. sama2….
      wah klo tentang driver sama proyektor blom dicek tuh , ga punya proyektor juga hehe,
      klo USB flash drive sih bisa kedetek sebagai sdcard, jadi taro file2 *.apk di FD, trus nginstall nya dengan membuka, dev tools, lalu cari terminal emulator,
      # pm install /sdcard/lokasi_file_apknya/namafile.apk
      tapi ga semua aplikasi bisa diinstall, yang bisa contohnya,

  3. gan, gw mentok di etc/grub.d/40_custom, pas terbuka filenya kosong dan saat gw mau paste script yang dari agan itu kan Android-x86 2.2. sementara android gw versi 4.0.3. solusinya gimana tuh?

  4. etc/grub.d/40_custom emang defultnya kosong,

    itu harus diisi dengan mengkopi-pastekan isi /partisi-android/grub/menu.lst (pada partisi android) kedalam /partisi-ubuntu/etc/grub.d/40_custom

      1. btw sorry maksud komen sebelumnya bukan di kopi-paste, tapi di isi sesuai /partisi-android/grub/menu.lst

        mengenai yang baru saja ditanyakan ane mikir dulu ya 🙂

      2. sebelumnya sory maaf banget ada kesalahan teknis saya salah masang kode “pre”

        jadi misalkan pada /partisi-android/grub/menu.lst seperti berikut:

        1. default=0
        2. timeout=6
        3. root (hd0,1)
        4. splashimage=/grub/android-x86.xpm.gz
        6. title Android-x86 2.2 (HDPI)
        7. kernel /android-2.2/kernel quiet root=/dev/ram0 androidboot_hardware=generic_x86
        \ acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode video=-16 DPI=240 SRC=/android-2.2
        8. initrd /android-2.2/initrd.img

        note: tanda “\” maksudnya kontinyu tanpa enter sebenarnya

        maka pada /partisi-ubuntu/etc/grub.d/40_custom

        settingannya jadi:

        a. menuentry ‘Android-x86 2.2 (HDPI)’ {
        b. set root=(hd0,msdos2)
        c. linux /android-2.2/kernel quiet root=/dev/ram0 androidboot_hardware=generic_x86
        \ acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode video=-16 DPI=240
        d. SRC=/android-2.2
        e. initrd /android-2.2/initrd.img
        f. }

        dalam hal ini:

        menu.lst Android -::sedangkan::- grub.cfg Ubuntu
        root (hd0,1)[3] menjadi: set root=(hd0,msdos2)[b]
        title Android-x86..[6] menjadi: menuentry ‘Android-x86 2.2 (HDPI)’[a]
        kernel /android-2.2/..[7] menjadi: linux kernel /android-2.2/..[c]
        initrd /android-2.2/initrd.img menjadi: initrd /android-2.2/initrd.img
        ..SRC=/android-2.2[7] menjadi: SRC=/android-2.2[d]
  5. mas, gw udah nemu cara buat android 4.0.3 pakai script berikut:

    menuentry “Android-x86 asus_laptop” {
    set root=(hd0,3)
    linux /android-2012-01-01/kernel quiet root=/dev/ram0
    androidboot_hardware=asus_laptop acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode SRC=/android-2012-01-01 SDCARD=/data/sdcard.img DATA= DPI=240
    initrd /android-2012-01-01/initrd.img

    cuma masalahnya pas mau di save dari gedit malah ga bisa. muncul pesan lokasi tidak ditemukan.

  6. maksudnya lokasi apa yang tidak ditemukan? di gedit ga bisa di-save sama sekali?

    seinget ane dulu Mas, pada bagian ini (script di kompi ane):

    set root=(hd0,msdos2)

    itu sedikit tricky, aslinya kan punya ane “root (hd0,1)” (ini yang kebaca dari menu.lst Android)
    kalo dari Ubuntu, entah kenapa Android malah kebaca sebagai (hd0,msdos2) atau (hd0,2)

      1. btw uda bisa belum Mas?
        saya baru nyoba ICS soalnya baru realese, begini punya saya

        menuentry “Android-x86 2.2 (HDPI)” {
        set root='(hd0,msdos7)’
        linux /android-4.0-RC1/kernel quiet root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.hardware=asus_laptop acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode video=-16 DPI=240 SRC=/android-4.0-RC1 SDCARD=data/sdcard.img
        initrd /android-4.0-RC1/initrd.img

        dengan lokasi partisi Android di sda7 (cek di Gparted), maka saya memakai msdos7 karena default di grub saya seperti itu (pas update-grub2 yang muncul di grub.cfg itu msdos bukan sda) , kalau misalkan defaultnya sda ya pakek sda aja

        hal yang unik adalahj pada menu.lst (grubnya Android partisi Android dibaca sebagai sda6) sedangkan pada Ubuntu terbaca sevagai sda7 , sepertinya ada pola bergeser terbaca satu angka hehe

  7. i m using Ubuntu in my pc. i successfully install android 4.0.3 in my pc via vertial box . i want to know how to install apps in android now. and i can’t find interenal memory location . ..

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